no time table , no rules and regulations but only your own interest will become you good student .
In this class room , you can listen the lesson through YouTube , you can make your notes with the help of blogs , you can update yourself with online news . You can translate with google translate with one language to another language .
Online education can make you master in every field but for this just need your interest only your positive view and standing for understanding the contents . I often listen that many people comes to my site and without reading contents , they went from site . What is the reason . Reason is only that Student have large source and does not respect for this knowledge . They do not know , that after hours and hours hard work , a writer writes any article and upload to Internet . But you have not just one minute to read the content . What do you understand yourself . If online publishers decide one day to strike from Google , then you will understand what is the value of online education .
I am telling you a short story :
A person had gotten a diamond but he did not know what was it . He only thought that this was only a lightful stone . He picked it and carried to his home . He showed it to his mother . Mother took from him and sell it just 1 kg. of wheat under barter system . A person who bought it , that person sold it to a boy who was interest in that diamond and that boy had given just one dollar .
Now that boy did not know the value of that stone and was playing it just like , ball in his street .
A jeweller was going from that street . He identified that diamond and its value . He asked from that boy . Did you know what was price of it .
A jeweller was going from that street . He identified that diamond and its value . He asked from that boy . Did you know what was price of it .
The boy replied . No , sir
Then I told you . Its price is 100000 million.
Did you understand what I am telling you . Online Education's value is