Before knowing different tips for clearing UGC NET, it is very necessary to know what is the system and syllabus of UGC NET. Actually UGC NET is very good and helpful system for finding deserving teachers from a very large numbers of candidates in India. Because many candidates want to become lecturer jobs just for enjoying and earning of money. They have no passion with teaching. If you are fully interested for teaching, UGC NET will not be difficult for you.
Basically, structure of UGC NET is made very scientifically for selecting high brain teachers in every field of education. Paper of UGC NET is divided into two parts. Ist part is common. It means, it is compulsory to clear first paper or part of UGC NET paper. For clearing first paper to all subject, you should understand teaching, research, reading comprehension, communication, reasoning, logical reasoning, data interpretation , Internet and communication technology, people and environment and higher education topics which you can prepare from any book of UGC paper 1 or from my website .
Second part is related to your own subject. If your grip in your subject is good, then clearing of UGC NET is not difficult for you.
Now, I am telling you the strategy and tips for clearing UGC NET examination with simple way.
1st tip
First of all fix, your aim is to clear UGC NET with firm determination. Make it your sole and unique objective of your life.
2nd tip
Your practice and revision is more important for clearing UGC NET examination. Make, your time table an according to your time table, give the time to read each an every topic of UGC NET exam.
3rd tip
For extra practice, you must test of your self by selecting some questions of UGC NET.
4th tip
The exam. Checkers are highly qualified PhD. Teachers. So, write your UGC NET paper with full of logical information of your subject. This will increase your marks and you will get score to pass UGC NET exam.
5th tip
If you have not cleared UGC NET in first attempt. Never feel depress but, again start learning with fully confidence for clearing UGC NET Exam.
6th tip
Specially for commerce and MBA subjects , big one 40 marks question often comes from current business environment , so read basic headlines of famous business newspaper of world for this , you can subscribe here . and also daily note some important events from that news , these will helpful for writing better essay type question with advance information of business environment .
7th tip
3rd paper is more lengthy than first and second paper because, this is subjective type. For giving answer to these question, you should also take attention on time limit which is fixed by UGC . For answering within time is an art and you should learn also this art by practice and again practice.
8th tip
If you have given last time exam. Of UGC NET and you have not cleared it , then check also your marks because , UGC also now tells your each paper marks and see in which paper , you are weak . It may possible that your weak point may be in only one paper and other papers, you have gotten good marks. So, improve that weak paper specially, after this you will succeed to clear UGC NET exam.
9th tip
In first paper, some logical question can take more time to answer. So, try to learn how to solve them with easy way .If you understand the logic to answer with easy way, you can easily succeed in first paper.
10th tip
Following qualities are essential in your written answers:
1. Good introduction of topic
2. Good side heading
3. good conclusion
4. Grammatically correctness of your language especially English language.
For getting above qualities, you should improve your English language, and learn to write best, improve your language skills.
After act upon these tips, I fully hope that you will clear your UGC NET exam. .